Morning all! I am experiencing a eerily silent house today after the very long ( 2+ months) of school holidays has come to an end for my son, Mitchell. Last year our morning school routine consisted of wake up call at 7, then 7.05, then 7.10, shaking him, prying his eyes open with my fingers, 7.15 call threatening to ground him, 7.20 a frustrated "GET UP!" scream from me and then finally around 7.25-7.30 a sleepy grumpy teenager appears FINALLY! This morning however, I wake up at 7am to find him perched on the couch, dressed, had breakfast, bag packed, teeth brushed and ready to rock and roll. I almost passed out from shock! I would like to think that this will last however I know better, I give it a week tops!
So anyway, the reason for my post! I now have a bit more time to scrap and have been itching to get back into some challenges. I've decided to play along with the girls over at
A2Z Scraplets this month for their sketch challenge. This is a layout of my step daughter at her house warming party who has just moved into her very first house ( after uni student accommodation). I've kept it pretty simple ( for me). I just love this photo and didn't want to swamp it with too much product =)
TFL. Take care everyone =) xox